keywords: Agricultural Wastes, Food Security, Maize production, Phytochemicals, Bio-Fertilizer, Bio-Pesticides
Maize seeds have various uses in our communities. They have very important roles in ensuring food security and a healthy dieting. However, research suggests that the optimal production practices of maize in West Africa are still not fully overcome. Their potential yields and rapid propagation could be of benefit if explored more comprehensively. This review presents the literature relating to the current production practices of maize in West Africa. It organizes the findings into the following contributions; the yield and propagation challenges of maize production, the health and nutritional benefits, the opportunities that comes with the production of this crop and the chemistry solutions to these challenges. A major obstacle is that farmers are not valuing local traditional methods of improving these crop production. The results show the need for farmers to be enlightened on the use of cheaper agricultural waste materials as a resource to improving the production of this indigenous food crop.